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DevOps Adoption Challenges for Salesforce Applications

Salesforce development and release management teams have made good strides towards continuous integration and continuous of application in the last few years – here are some of the challenges for teams while adopting DevOps practice for Salesforce platform.

Complexity with Salesforce Metadata

  • Component behavior split into multiple files ( Profiles, Layouts etc.,)
  • Unsupported Metadata
  • The  modification timestamps for some metadata is inconsistent ( Eg. Value Sets)
  • Too many manual steps in deployments.

GIT and its Crypticness

  • SF teams not used to version control
  • Complexity with Merges and back-merges
  • Conflict resolution of large objects and Profiles incase of heavy duty merges

Multi-flavoured Development

  • Branching and deployment needs vary between Declarative vs Apex or lightning or Einstein teams
  • Salesforce DX introduces new layer of package and development of applications

Out-of-Sync environments

  • Direct changes in Salesforce release sandboxes
  • Production break fixes are not brought back into development and release lanes.

With the introduction of Salesforce DX, the awareness and adoption of DevOps on Salesforce Platform has increased multi-fold. With well-documented best practices, proper GIT branching structure, better governance and effectively utilizing Salesforce Continuous Integration Servers like AutoRABIT –  Salesforce release management teams can achieve high degree of automation.

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