Salesforce DevOps | Salesforce Consulting | Copado Services

Managed Services


CloudFulcrum CI/CD Enablement

01Environment Management 

  • Compare the Salesforce release environments and prepare a Synchronization Plan
  • Create the Org Difference Reports
  • Prepare the Copado User Stories to synchronize the orgs with promotion/back-promotion

02Release Management 

  • Document the current change and release management practice from Development to Production
  • Create and publish an annual Release Calendar to support multiple parallel releases.
  • Setup a blueprint of the future state of release management

03GIT Repository Migration

  • Track and maintain the Work-in-progress changes to be migrated to the new GIT Repo
  • Commit and Migrate the WIP changes to the new GIT Repo as Copado user stories.
  • Promote / back-promote the user stories to keep the pipeline in sync.

04CI/CD Pipeline Migration Services 

  • Analyze your CI/CD pipelines with existing tools to setup the CI/CD process with Copado.
  • Migrate Data / nCino / velocity templates from your existing tool to Copado.

What We Provide

Post-Refresh Automation

  • Analyze the post-refresh activities and prepare an automation plan as supported by Salesforce Metadata 
  • Create automation framework in Copado for automating the scoped post-refresh activities. 

Post-Deployment Automation

  • Analyze the post-deployment activities of the last 3 production releases. 
  • Make recommendations and integrate possible post-deployment steps into the Copado Pipeline 
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Data Seeding

  • Analyze the test data strategy for the regression testing. 
  • Identify the key objects, fields, and relationships for the data seeding. 
  • Prepare the list of data masking fields required for data seeding. 
  • Create data templates in Copado for the creation of Data set. 
  • Automate the Data seeding with masking for all Salesforce environments. 


  • Integrate with your existing tools like ServiceNow, CheckMarx, ServiceMax etc., with Copado
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  • Setup multi-level approval process and custom workflows as part of your release process to achieve 360 degrees DevOps for your Salesforce practice.
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